How To Get Your Kids Off The Screen & The Mobile

Dubai Dad
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2018


Whilst deliberating the trials and tribulations of parenthood, we landed on the subject of screens and mobiles and felt our pals at had some sound advice. So we asked them to take over a column, here it is…

These days, mobile games, video games, and television have taken the place of playing outside and in groups for most of the kids. So, should you intervene as a parent? In our opinion the answer is yes as while the programs, games or television they are consuming are packed with information and keep them entertained whilst we take a well deserved break, there is a downside, these can be addictive and lead to antisocial behavior therefore leaving an unfavorable impact on the development of children.

But getting the kids off this addiction is actually challenging and tough as most of them fail to realize how good it can feel embracing outdoors, to explore the nature and play. As a result, they become deprived of their physical and creative ability that may lead to health and development issues.

So, if you are wondering how to get the kids off the screen and mobile, then here are some tips you can consider:

Prepare a family media plan

This plan includes how much screen time is actually allowed, where and when the screens can be used and what type of media is acceptable for the kids. Besides, working on the family media plan is also beneficial for defining the values of your family while discussing how people can actually be good digital citizens. While working on the plan, consider the recommendations of the experts. Also, keep out screens from the bedrooms, turn those off during dinner time and never allow the kids to use screens during the last hour before going to bed.

Select the media carefully

Giving your kid complete freedom to watch anything on TV or mobile can be a big disaster. So, you need to select shows, games, apps, and movies carefully accessing whether these are actually good for your kids or not. Before making the selection, go through the reviews or preview the details in case you are uncertain.

Make screens inconvenient for kids

Often television works as the backdrop of every family life, blaring away in the family room while the family eats dinner or kids play. So, the main rule here to keep kids away from the mobile and screen, turn the TV off while nobody is watching and also to keep background screens out of sight as much as you can. Apart from that, keeping the TV in a closed cabinet or out of the living space can also be helpful to tame habitual watching. In case the issue is channel surfing, then you should hide the remote. Also keep mobile devices at any certain space, which is out of view. In case you have kids, who are addicted to screen, then you should not install screens in their bedroom.

Set clear limits

Media with violence or graphic sexual content must be off-limits for the kids. Therefore, often parents struggle with the ways to deal with the games or shows that are actually unpleasant. So, to keep your kids away from this type of program, you need to find out what makes the kids interested in it. Then follow the reviews on that matter from various reputable sources. After that, select an alternative and then agree on some reasonable compromise.

Watch TV or mobile together

During kids screen time, join them as much as possible. Try to focus on the programs. It is important to learn what your kids are actually watching so that you don’t end up getting a surprise. Spending the screening time together will also help you to develop a bond with your kid.

Be a role model for your kids

Always follow the rules that you want your kids to follow. So, be intentional about your use of screen time and turn off the screens when you are not using those actively. While spending time with your family, always put your phone down. Often peer pressure changes the screen habits of your kids. But kids are mostly influenced by the examples set by their parents.

Ban the screens during the playdates

Kids need regular time to play and to spend time and interact with their peer groups. Screens can prevent them from doing it. So, you must make a rule to keep the TV and other screens off during playdates. Besides, you can also ask other parents to follow the same rule while your kids visit their homes.

Opt for some activity based learning

Kids often choose to watch screens as the method of entertainment and fun rather than playing with toys. It is because they find the screens more interesting and challenging. So, to change their habits, you should consider some activity based learning, which is also challenging as well. This will help you to keep your kids engaged for hours while keeping them away from the addiction of screens.

Always encourage your kids to take part in some outdoor activities

Playing outdoor can be a great bliss as this helps the kids to develop their motor skills while allowing them to interact with their peers. Later this can play a big role in their overall development.



An ex-music mag director, self professed party animal and new Dad, figuring out how to raise a child in Dubai, this sandpit we call home